The Patio Podcast is a new collection of Hess’s memories, meant for the here and now.

S2 E5: Steven Greenberg talks Merchandise, Mistakes and Mr. Hess (LISTEN NOW)

“You hit it out of the park on your latest podcast with Steve Greenberg!!! Keep them coming!”

Stephen E. Whitehall, PA

About the Podcast

The Patio Podcast is a wistful exploration of my hometown's enduring attachment to Hess’s Department Store. In candid conversations with residents, historians, collectors, former shoppers and employees, The Patio Podcast hopes to shed light on Allentown, Pennsylvania’s multigenerational interest in one single place.

Does nostalgia this visceral unite a city, or hold it back? How has Max Hess, Jr.’s marketing genius endured? What happened to his famous chandeliers? And how good was that strawberry pie, really?

The Patio Podcast is a new collection of Hess’s memories, meant for the here and now.

“Be best. Be first.

Be entertaining.”

-Max Hess

Kate J. Kareha, Creator & Host

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